What Is It?
Every year we hold an annual ladies’ golf outing to raise funds for our organization to continue to provide low-cost and excellent treatment for patients. Our annual golf outing will continue to be in memory of Cheryl Scott, a beloved coworker who unexpectedly passed away in 2022 and was a cherished part of the VNA family.
In 2022, Clarion Forest VNA, Inc. provided more than $280,000 in free and below-cost care as part of the agency’s mission. We continue to serve an average of 1,200 patients in home care and 200 patients in our hospice program each year. Included in our mission is our hospice program. This program helps care for individuals who are in their final stages of life. We not only care for the patients by providing medication for them, but we also help them spiritually by providing grief counseling. Other aspects of our hospice program include but are not limited to, skilled nursing, home health aides, respite care, medical social services, and many other services. Therefore, proceeds from the outing are used to help offset costs related to our hospice program. We at the VNA feel privileged to be able to work with so many different families within our community each year and work hard to ensure that our mission can continue.
View our program below to see the last golf outing schedule and donors:

When Is It?
The Golf Outing happens every year. The next golf outing is on September 21st, 2024.
How Can I Join/Help?
- Direct Cash Donations
- Donate an item for our raffle
- Sign a team up and golf!
- Sponsor your business
- Offer to volunteer
Fill out the flyer above and drop it off or mail it to our office at:
ATTN: Golf Outing
Clarion Forest VNA
271 Perkins Rd
Clarion, PA 16214