❄️Adult Daily Living Center gets into the holiday spirit

❄️Adult Daily Living Center gets into the holiday spirit

While it may be true there’s no place like home for the holidays, there has been no shortage of good times and cheer for clients and staff at the Adult Daily Living Center.

For the past several weeks, clients have enjoyed creating daily Christmas crafts, including ornaments, jewelry, and cards. They’ve participated in cookie decorating as well. There were also viewings of classics such as “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” “Polar Express,” and “Frosty the Snowman.”

On Monday, ADLC had its Christmas party. Clients wore their Christmas pajamas and had fun playing a snowman-themed bingo game and Reindeer Antler Ring Toss. And what would a party be without music? Clarion Forest VNA’s Spiritual and Bereavement Counselor, Nancy Jeannerat, visited ADLC and played Christmas songs on her guitar. Clients sang along to numerous holiday favorites like “Jingle Bells,” “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” “Feliz Navidad,” and “Silent Night.” They were truly rockin’ around the Christmas tree!

ADLC clients and staff wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!